February 10 - 14 W24 Q4 Mod 16/17
Mon: pg. 29 Tables & graphs HW: 30-31
Tue: Practice Test & RETAKE FOR MOD 15 HW: Finish Practice Test
Wed: Go over practice test / Plickers Quiz/ Review Quizizz to 90% HW: STUDY FOR TEST - GO OVER THE PRACTICE TEST
Thur: TEST on Linear Equations HW: NO HW
Fri: pg. 33-34 Equations with Variable on Both Sides HW: pgs. 35-36
February 3 - 7 W 23 Q3 Mod 16/17
Mon- Thur: I-Ready NO HW during I-Ready
Fri: go over 23-24 do 25-26 equation to graph HW: 27-28
Mon next week: pg. 29 Tables & graphs HW: 30-31 RETAKE on Mod 15 on TUESDAY
January 27 - 31 W22 Q3 Mod15, 16/17
Mon: TEST HW: IXL AA.1 SS 90
Tue: pg 11-12 What is SLOPE HW: IXL Z.1 & Z.5 to SS 90
Wed: pg 13-14 Slope Formula HW: pg 15-16
Thur: pg. 17-18 Slope-Intercept Equation HW: 19-20
Fri: pg. 21-22 Proportional vs. Non-Proportional Graph HW: 23-24
January 20 - 24 W21 Q3 Mod 15
Tue: +/- Scientific Notation (start at 1:56) HW: IXL D.4 SS 90
Wed: mult/div Scientific Notation (start Mondays video at 6:32) HW: hand out
Thur: Practice Test HW: Finish Practice Test
Fri: Go over Practice Test Review#1 Review#2 HW: STUDY FOR TEST ON MONDAY
January 13 - 17 W20 Q3 Mod 22 & 15
Mon: QUIZ on Volume 10 Points CLICK HERE FOR QUIZ HW: Exponents - 8th IXL C.1 to SS 90
Tue: Mod 15 pg 1 -2 Exponent Rule Video Why 0 power =1 HW: IXL C.11 C.12 C.13 SS 80 on CC.13 go to a SS of 60
Wed: pg. 3 - 4 Negative Exponents HW: IXL C.6 C.8 SS 80
Thur: pg. 5-6 what is square and cube roots solve square and cube rootsHW: IXL E.3 & E.8 to SS 90
Fri: POP QUIZ W/ NOTES pg. 7 - 8 Scientific Notation to Standard form HW: IXL D.1 SS 90
January 6 - 10 W19 Q3! Mod 22
Tue: Volume Prisms & Cylinder HW: IXL 7th CC.5 & 8th W.3 to SS 90
Wed: Volume Cone & Shpere HW: IXl 8th W.4 & 8th W.7 to SS 90
Thur: Practice Quiz/ Make Note Card for Quiz HW: Study for Quiz
Fri: QUIZ on Volume HW: 8th IXL
December 16 - 20 W18 End of Q2 Mod 9b
Mon: pg. 10 surface area cylinder HW; Pg 11-12
Tue: Practice test Surface Area HW: Finish Practice Test
Wed: Go over Practice Test HW: STUDY
Thur: TEST Have Note Card!! HW: None
Fri: Day of Rest (Finally!) HW: ENJOY THE BREAK!
December 9 - 13 W17 Q2 Mod 9a & 9b
Mon: Practice Test Mod 9a / Make NoteCard HW: Finish Practice Test
Tue: Review Practice Test / Quizizz Review to 89% HW: STUDY for TEST
Wed: TEST Mod 9a HW: IXL 8th U.2 to a SS 100
Thur: Mod 9b Surface Area & Nets pg. 1-2, 4 HW: pg. 3 & 5
Fri: pg. 8 surface area of pyramid HW: pg. 9
December 2 - 6 W 16 Q2 Mod 8/21 & 9a
Mon: Practice Test Review and Note Card HW: Study for Test
Tue: TEST on Angles / Bring Note Card HW: No HW
Wed: 9a pgs. 1 & 4 Parts of Circle Circumference Area HW; pgs. 2-3 (do not do # 13-15) & pg. 5-6 (do not do #7 on pg.4 and 4 & 7 on pg. 6)
Find Diameter given Circumference
Thur: pgs. 7, 8, 9, 10 Area of Shapes Composite Shapes HW: pgs. 11, 12
Fri: pgs. 13-14 Similar Figures Scale Factor HW: pgs. 15 - 16
November 18 - 22 W15 Q2 Last week before progress reports Mod 8 & 21
Mon: Mod 8 pg. 1-2 Comp/Sup ang. & 4-5 vertical/adjac. ang. HW: pg. 3 & 6
Tue: pg. 7-8 interior triangle angles & pg. 10-11 Triangle Inequality Theorem HW: pg. 9 & 12
Wed: pg. 13-14 Unique Triagles Conditions 16-17 parallel lines and transversals HW: pg. 15 & 18-20
Thur: pg. 22-23 angles formed with parallel lines and transversals 25-26 Exterior angle Triangle HW: 24 & 27
Steps to Sove 2-Step Inequality
- Undo add/subtract with inverse
- Undo mult/division with inverse
- Check to see if need to flip sign
November 4 - 8 W13 Q2 Mod 6 -7
Mon: Review Practice Test HW: STUDY FOR TEST !!
Tue: TEST MOD 6 HW: IXL U.1 SS 90
Wed: Mod 7 pg 1 -2 graph inequality & Write inequality HW: pg 3
Thurs: pg. 4 1 Step inequality Solve 2 step inequality HW: pg. 5 - 6
Fri: pg. 8 Real world write inequality HW: 10
October 28 - November 1 W12 Q2 Mod 6
Mon: Quiz! pg 11-12 HW: pg. 13-14
Tue: 2-step equations pg. 15-16 HW: pg. 17-18
Wed: Quiz! Multi Step Equation pg. 19-20 HW: pg. 21-22
Thur: WARM UPS: 1 - 100 game HW: IXL T.8 SS 70
Fri: Practice Test Mod 6 & RETAKE MOD 5 HW: Finish Practice Test
October 21 - 25 W11 BEGIN Q2 Mod 5-6
Mon: Practice Test Mod 5 HW: Finish Practice Test
Tue: Go over Practice Test and Review Gimkit HW: STUDY FOR TEST
Wed: TEST Mod 5 HW: IXL R.8 SS80 S.5 SS 80
Thurs: Mod 6 pgs. Combine like Terms & Distributive Property pg. 1-2 HW: Mod 6 pg. 3 - 4
Distributive with a - in front of parenthesis
Fri: Subtract Linear Expressions & How to Factor an Equation In Class & HW: IXL S.7 IXLS.8 IXL S.10 SS80
-3x+ 5 - 2x - 3 =
-5x + 2
October 14 - 18 W10 END Q1 Mod 5
Mon: Multi Step % pg. 8-9a Tax/Tip/Mark-up Sale/Discount HW: pg. 9 Mark up and Discount (part 2)
Tue: % Change, Increase/Decrease pg. 9 - 10 LINK FOR STARTER HW: pg. 11, % Increase & Decrease Practice
Wed: Work w/ partner pg 12-13 RETAKE MOD 4 HW: no HW
Thur: Commision/Simple Interest pg. 14 HW: pg. 15
Fri: Partner work pg. 16-17 HW: 18 LAST DAY OF Q1
October 7 - 11 W9 Q1 Mod 4 & Mod 5
Mon: Due in class pg. 17-18 Ask any questions for Retake Tomorrow! HW: 19-20
Tue: Practice Test & RETAKE MOD 3 TODAY HW: Finish Practice Test
Wed: Go Over Practice Test IXL N.6 N.7 N.8 SS 80 HW: Study for Test From Practice Test!!
Thur: TEST Mod 4 HW:
Fri: Mod 5 pg 1-2-4 Magic of Math Convert decimal to % to Fraction HW: pgs. 3 & 5
Why Cross Multiplication Works & How to write % proportions Magic of Math
September 30 - October 4 W8 Q1 Mod 4
Tue: Mod 4 Fractional Unit Rate Video & pg. 4 HW: pgs. 5 -6
Wed: pg. 7 - 8 Video COP from table Write and equation from table HW: pgs. 9 - 10
Thurs: Pairs do pgs 11 & notes pg 13 & 15 Magic of Math Video Proportional HW: 14 proport. tables & 16 proport. graphs
September 23 -27 W7 Q1 Mod 3/14
Mon: H.O. 4 HW: 8th grade IXL's F.2 & F.3 SS 90
Tue: H.O. 6 How to Compare and Order HW: Homework 6 - Comparing & Ordering Real Numbers
Wed: Practice Test & Mod 2 RETAKE TODAY HW: Finish Practice Test
Thur: Go over Practice Test/ Review HW: STUDY FOR TEST
Fri: Mod 3/14 TEST TODAY HW: IXL L.5 SS 90
Natural Numbers begin at 1, 2, 3, .....
September 16 - 20 W6 Q1 Mod 3
Mon: pg. 5, 6 HW: pgs. 8 #6-10 EVENS, pg.9 #6-12 EVENS, pg. 10 #2-10 EVENS
Tue: Pop Quiz pg. 11-12 Mult. Deci Div Deci Mult. Frac Div. Frac HW: 13, 14, 15 Odds Only
Wed: IXL's I.3 I.9 SS 90 HW: Finish IXL's from class
Thur: H.O #1 sq. roots How to Video square root Squares video HW: Homework 1 sheet
Fri: Estimate sq. root H.O 3 How to Video HW: 8th grade IXl's E.4 & E.9 SS 90 E.9 is for 1 pt. Extra Credit
September 9 - 13 W5 Q1 MOD 2 & 3
Mon: go over HW, pracitce order of ops HW: IXL's B.23, B.24, B.25 SS90
Tue: Practice Test Mod 2 & RETAKE MOD 1 today HW: Finish Practice Test
Wed: Go over Practice test & Jeopardy review HW: STUDY FOR TEST
Fri: Get next packet pgs. a, ,b, 1 HW: pgs. 2, 3, 4 ODDS Only
September 2 - 6 W4 Q1 MOD 1 & 2
MON: No School
TUE: New Seata/Practice Test MOD 1 HW: Finish Practice Test
WED: TEST TODAY!! HW: IXL - B.21 SS 90 >>>
THUR: Mod 2 pgs. 1, 4, 5 Mult & Divide w/ Integers Mult. number line HW: pgs. 2, 3, 6
FRI: Review Order of Operations of integers, 2nd Video HW: pgs. 7, 8, 9, 10
Rules for Multiplying Integers & Dividing!!
A positive number times a positive number equals a positive number.
A positive number times a negative number equals a negative number.
A negative number times a positive number equals a negative number.
A negative number times a negative number equals a positive number.
August 26 - 30 W3 Q1 MOD1
Mon/Tue: Finish I-Ready today/tomorrow HW: Have all supplies ready: Pencil, Pens, Dry Erase Pen, 3-Ring Binder
Wed: Review adding integers ADD W/ # CHIPS & ADD ON # LINE & VIDEO ON RULES HW: IXL's: A.7 A.8 B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 SS 90
Thur: Subtract with Integers pg. 10 / Back to School Night 6-7:30 HW: pg. 9, 11, 12
Fri: Review Sub/Add Minimum Day HW: IXL's: B.9 B.13 SS 90
*****If IXL is completed Late for any reason: YOU MUST EMAIL me at susan.mclean@sanjuan.edu with the IXL Letter & Number for me to go back and check it to give you credit*****
August 19-23 W2 Q1 Mod 1
Mon: Get Mod 1 begin unit pg 1-2 HW: pg. 3 & bring 3-Ring binder, Pencil, dry erase pen & eraser
Tue: go over pg. 3, do pg. 4 HW: pgs. 5-8
Wed: Go over 5-8 play game HW: No HW tomorrow begin I-Ready
Thur-Fri: I-Ready testing begins (window open) HW: NONE
First Week of School- August 15-16 W1 Q1 Module 1
Learning Targets: 1. What is an Integer 2. What is Absolute Value and Opposites 3. Add Integers on a number line
Thursday - Class Expectations and requirements, get seats, Go over how to calculate own grade, try out remotes if time
HW: Get supplies by Monday
Friday - Go over classroom expectations, rules, procedures log into computer if time. Interger and Absolute Value Practice Absolute Value